Our goal is to provide our remote teams with signals through Suspended Outage Service as quickly as possible.
Please contact us at Support.service@advocacyinternational.org if you cannot find an answer to your question.
In the event of connectivity issues please first provide our team with all information they would need to re-establish a connection by completing the form below. (Please attach documents and photos to this form.) For cellular connectivity issues our teams may still have access to Signal or WhatsApp. For network connectivity issues a direct phone line may be the only way to contact team members.
Power outages are most common in regions with unreliable power sources and isolated energy grids. Each team has an established protocol for power outages whether they be temporary or long-term. Please refer to this protocol at the first sign of a power outage.
Please refer to the color coded chart provided in your client handbook. Often times our teams will only have brief access once they are in areas where they receive a signal. The color coded system allows our team to prioritize needs within a narrow window of time.
Any unrecognized source of communication must be verified using the security questions you have provided. (To ensure the safety of our teams always use security questions when there are any changes in communication methods.)
A member of the team will connect with you once suspended outage service has been received. Thank you for making sure our teams stay connected!
Aside from providing the team with any information they need using the form below, you may send funds to any team experiencing unstable service or a power outage using the “Support” link at the bottom of this page.
Help us deliver Suspended Outage Service to our teams.
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